- 2009 - 21th - 私の未来のだんな様/流星ボーイ (Watashi no Mirai no Danna-sama/Ryuusei Boy)
CLICK ON the IMAGE to DOWNLOAD Format: MP4@2800kbps
1. 流星ボーイ - Ryuusei Boy [Screen Shot] 2. 流星ボーイ (Close-Up Ver) - Ryuusei Boy (Close-Up Ver) [Screen Shot] 3. 流星ボーイ (メイキング映像) - Ryuusei Boy (Making of PV) [Screen Shot] all parts of the file is combine with "hjsplit", can be found on the top if the page
- 2009 - 21th - 私の未来のだんな様/流星ボーイ (Watashi no Mirai no Danna-sama/Ryuusei Boy)
CLICK ON the IMAGE to DOWNLOAD Format: Mp3@320kbps
1. 私の未来のだんな様 - Watashi no Mirai no Danna-sama 2. 流星ボーイ - Ryuusei Boy 3. 私の未来のだんな様 (Instrumental) - Watashi no Mirai no Danna-sama 4. 流星ボーイ (Instrumental) - Ryuusei Boy
Format: FLV DOWNLOAD Mano Erina's 5th single "Love&Peace=Paradise" 2009.11.25 on sale
When I first the radio rip of this, I kind of so-so with the track, I mean I think ballad-pop is suited her more than this kira kira pop
But just when I saw the PV, lighting everything up. This is very cute. The slightly of CG give some more depth to the PV. It's not too much but just enough, Although I still can't figure out what is the wing thing to do with the meaning of the song (May be it's an angle wing, since the song says something about paradise)
Erina is more gorgeous, even she is, with the cute setting and elegance dress. She had to show several emotion during the PV, that was a golden moment. I've seen several of her drama, but never got a clear good shot than in her PV. Erina with the ear warmer thing is blow my head. In the very end of the PV, she tilted her head, bounced back and burst out a smile, is soooo Idol-ish thing to do, and make me WANT TO EAT HER.
The song, as I mentioned, I was so-so with it. Well it suites her image, bright and cute. But when it comes to pretty fast tempo song, I don't thing her voice is strong enough. You can hear some part that her voice is unintentionally vibrate. I think she perform a slower song better, but anyway, you cannot just have only slow tempo song in you album, this is acceptable.
CLICK ON the IMAGE to DOWNLOAD Format: MP3@320kbps
01. Mr. Monkey 02. Top Secret 03. Sadistic Dance 04. Lady Madonna 05. Doubt 06. Angelia (crash Berlin version) 07. Shake Me 08. Kill Me Kiss Me (crash Berlin version) 09. Giza Giza (crash Berlin version) 10. The★PEACE!
Format: FLV DOWNLOAD Berryz Koubou's 21th single "Watashi no Mirai no Danna sama / Ryuusei Boy" 2009.11.11 on sale
Since Furare Pattern, this is the song of Berryz I really like, So I did the cover of this, pls watch
The song sound quite fun, even I don't the meaning when I heard the translation at all. Somehow this song is remind me of "Otoko no Ko" in both meaning and music aspect. Miyabi definitely come back to be in front, I mean, it's quite long from the single that she got to sing more than Risako.
The PV is also attractive, The going back to the way they did with "21-Ji made no Cinderella". Objective of showing the girl cuteness, the girls with the feather is heaven. Since the song is about seeking for a future husband, I died from watching their happiness faces as if they found one. I also have another great hope some "extra version" that will be in "Event V"
The dance is odd as "Ryuusei Boy", don't get me wrong, I like the dance of both song, but the other one is bit better, But for this song is fun enough. One problem is I don't found any match of the costume and the setting, which is happen to both PV for this single. And as everyone say, This costume is surly remind me of "Sexy Otona Jan."
Format: FLV DOWNLOAD Berryz Koubou's 21th single "Watashi no Mirai no Danna sama / Ryuusei Boy" 2009.11.11 on sale
Double A-side is in trend? I don't think so. Now it's make more sense that, they do the double A-side to promote the animation as well. (As now you get the animation card if you buy this single.) Apart from money aspect, at least I get to see the girl more.
Designed by "Lucky Ikeda", the dance is a bit odd to me, but it does have a good dynamic of movement. The song is also "Not so good". It's Ok, but it's not much different from their last single, may be it is because the songs are for the same animation, which is understandable. The Bass solo is something awesome though.
The PV is still shooting on the green screen, with the better graphic I would say. It's suite the song but somehow not suite those yellow dress at all. And I prefer to see an out-from-studio shooting. When was my last time see it? "Dschinghis Khan" I think.
Not the best from them, but I still have a hope for the PV of "Watashi no Mirai no Danna sama" which I like the song better as well.
- 2009 - 2nd indie - あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい (Asu wa DEETO na no ni, Ima Sugu Koe ga Kikitai)
CLICK ON the IMAGE to DOWNLOAD Format: MP4@2800kbps
1. ‚あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい - Asu wa DEETO na no ni, Ima Sugu Koe ga Kikitai [ScreenShot]
Format: MP4@2000kbps 2. ‚あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい (メイキング映像) - Asu wa DEETO na no ni, Ima Sugu Koe ga Kikitai (Making of PV) [ScreenShot] all parts of the file is combine with "hjsplit", can be found on the top if the page
CLICK ON the IMAGE to DOWNLOAD Format: MP4@2800kbps
1. この胸のときめきを - Kono Mune no Tokimeki wo [Screen Shot] 2. この胸のときめきを (Close-up Ver.) - Kono Mune no Tokimeki wo (Close-up Ver.) [Screen Shot]
Format: MP4@2200kbps 3. この胸のときめきを (メイキング映像) - Kono Mune no Tokimeki wo (Making of PV) [Screen Shot] all parts of the file is combine with "hjsplit", can be found on the top if the page
CLICK ON the IMAGE to DOWNLOAD Format: AVI@2000 Kbps Thanks to "A.R.t"@helloproject.in.th for the files.
1. Everyday 絶好調! - EVERYDAY Zekkouchou![Screenshot] 2. Everyday 絶好調! (Close Up Ver.) - EVERYDAY Zekkouchou! (Close Up Ver.)[Screenshot]
3. Everyday 絶好調! メイキング映像 - EVERYDAY Zekkouchou! (Making of)[Screenshot] all parts of the file is combine with "hjsplit", can be found on the top if the page
- 2009 - 2nd indie - ‚あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい (Asu wa DEETO na no ni, Ima Sugu Koe ga Kikitai)
CLICK ON the IMAGE to DOWNLOAD Thanks Final1414@helloproject.in.th Format: MP3@320kbps
1. ‚あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい - Asu wa DEETO na no ni, Ima Sugu Koe ga Kikitai 2. ‚あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい (Instrumental) - Asu wa DEETO na no ni, Ima Sugu Koe ga Kikitai (Instrumental)
4. Take It Easy! PV Making of [Screen Shot] for this file, all parts of the file is combine with "hjsplit", can be found on the top if the page
I still get some request about AVI files. Personally, I don't like the quality of AVI at all. But I do understand, that some computer cannot render MP4-H264. Plus AVI format is take less hardisk space.
This post, I just want people to get the comparison of the quality between AVI and MP4-H264. for This AVI,I didn't rip it myself, but from "morning berryz"@Hello! online. Thank you.
I still recommend MP4 format.
Format: AVI@2000kbps
1. Take It Easy! 2. Take It Easy! (Close-Up Ver.) 3. Take It Easy! (Dance Shot Ver.)
4. Take It Easy! PV Making of for this file, all parts of the file is combine with "hjsplit", can be found on the top if the page
CLICK ON the IMAGE to DOWNLOAD Format: MP3@320 Kbps
1. School Days 2. School Days (しゅごキャラエッグ!Version) - School Days (Shugo Kara Egg!Version) 3. いつかどこかで。 - Itsukado Kokade 4. School Days (Instrumental) 5. いつかどこかで。 (Instrumental) - Itsukado Kokade (Instrumental)
1. What is "hjsplit" It's a program than can join and divide parts of the video. Pro: - Small - No need to install - supported by every version of windows, included windows 7
Con: - Not sure with Mac and Linux, but should be fine.
2. Why? I have more than one complain about not be able to extract back the video files that I did divide it by .rar. I don't know what happen, coz before I upload, I've test those file on my computer before, and it did work. The other way that I've try is to put into the host that can be uploaded more than 100Mb at the time. But those website is not so good in term of file management, but I do have TONS of files that need to be organized, so I've to stick with mediafire
3. How to use? simply 1. put every part of your file in one folder, desktop maybe 2. launch the program, it'll ask you to specific the location of the part 1 file, to be combined 3. just let it combine your file and DONE!
Here 's the download link of hjsplit in zip format, extract it before use DOWNLOAD
Format: FLV DOWNLOAD Mano Erina's 4th major single "Kono Mune no Tokimeki wo" on sale 2009.09.30
4 singles in 9 months!, this girl might end up this year the same way as Berryz did in their first debut, 5 singles in a year.
I love this, the sad sweet elegance soft ballad pop. I just love those minor scale and suspension 2 chord in the main verse. I didn't mean her 2nd and 3rd singles are bad, with those kira kira pops are also go well with her, but when it comes to piano, the ballad song is just better.
The PV blends very well with the appearance of her. May be because of the camara angle? somehow the PV is a drama series like, so I might get use to it easier, coz Mano did a lot of drama during her Idol career as well.
This is still a "Buy 1 get 4 free" product. S/mileage member are still there as a back dancer, or ever get involved more with some chorus. Great Stuff!
I never get a chance to say this when it was Kanna's turn. Whether the member is my favorite or not, I'm regret for any departure.
The last elegance single of my Erika,
Just when the 6 people format start to be settled, they will be reduced to 5. I really mean it, the dance of this single, to me is far more satisfy than their latest 2 singles. The choreographer manage to have the dance to quite get along with 6. You can notice the position of Maimai for instance, she looks like being in the center of the move, but she's actually in the set of 4 of the back dancer. Something like this is tricky, they did it well, as for their last 6 nin-single .
The song is alright, but I didn't quite addicted, the dress is so major and elegance. They childish appearance is all gone. They are growing up a lot since I first saw Erika and Maimi in ZYX.
2009.08.23 Recorded from Thai TV Program "Wake Club"
Recently, there is a domestic music company that already bought the copyright of the Berryz' singles from Hello!Project, to be promote publicly. If the sell is good, there will be a concert here for sure.
Wake Club is a TV Program about Music, Launched every Sunday, 10:50AM until 11:30AM
CLICK ON the IMAGE TO DOWNLOAD Format: MP3@320kbps
1. Take It Easy! 2. キライスキダイキライ - Kirai Suki Dai Kirai 3. Take It Easy! (Instrumental) 4. キライスキダイキライ (Instrumental) - Kirai Suki Dai Kirai (Instrumental)
The 2nd single of Guandians 4 - School Days 2009.09.02 on sale
Combining with a model and floating anime characters are the same to their first PV. Anyway, it can still be noticed that the budget is put more for this one, more several scenarios for this PV. The song is fair square, but it's too "Kira Kira" for me. What is make me curious is going to be the dance which seems to be easy, but I think I see something complicate to learn there.
The 8th single of Buono! "Take it Easy" on sale 2009.08.26
After a long releasing for the theme of Anime series, Buono! is on its own. The song is kind of relief compare to their previous single. It brings different feeling into the song, but I kind of like their previous better, but this song still OK.
Lately, H!P's PV are shot outside the studio and I kind of like it. This PV is blend together with the song quite well and Momo will and always be the one who got into the problem, doesn't she? From more relaxing song, we got more "normal" costume as well, and look good on all of them. If you never see a paparazzi's shot of these girl before, this is a good chance to see an officially look on how gorgeous they are in ordinary life style.
The 40th commemorative single of Morning Musume "Nanchatte Renai" 2009.08.12 on Sale
Except the Berryz, recently H!P's PV are shot outside the studio, which is one thing I really love. The opening of the PV, the girls with black and white dress, plus the kind of dark tone of this PV, is strongly remind me of their 36th single "Resonant Blue". I think the costume part might a bit lack of idea here, but it's still fine. On the later half of the PV that the girls in white, stand in front of black and white screen is a better of this PV. It makes everything is looked more elegant.
The song attracts me pretty much. The sound is clearly adapt from some of classical music, like "Jiriri Kiteru", the 10th single of the Berryz, which is one of my fav. song of H!P. Combine with a Rap part, which is blend very well. I mean, it gives room for the members who don't have strong vocal skill for solo without reducing the total quality of the song.
In this past 3 years, so far their last single "Shōganai Yume Oibito" is on the top o their sale, but I like this one more.
The 1st indie single of S'mileage "aMa no Jaku" "Single V" is released on 2009.07.19
I'm not the fan of this type of Pop, I mean it's kind of plain, too plain. You can't dance with this song nor enjoy the dance of the song, the tempo is not that fast and the dance is not that complicate. You can't appreciate the quality of music since it's not that skillful. The style is kind of unclear to me, school girl, may be? The only to be appreciate is the girls.
The PV is fair square. It tells the story of friendship in a school? You'll get a lot of close-up shot to individual girl, since there are only 4 of them. If you are not fans of one of the girls, this is quite boring. Luckily, I happen to like 3 of them, the other is fair.
So far, This is the group that all members can actually sing. There fore, this is might be the only unit of H!P right now that has no ACE, love it this way.
- I'm really sorry for a late upload, Since Berryz has announce their concert in Thailand, I'm hand-fulled, lots of things to do to get a greater chance of participate in the interview and such.
- I'm available on weekend, so the site might be update during that time, but I try to put files up as soon as possible.